Create your future

It’s called manifestation, making your dreams come true, empty dreaming, fantasising…….it depends on who you listen to.

But what if you listened to yourself? To your heart. To your gut.  Ignored others’ thoughts and trusted your body? What then?

I learned a decade or more ago that, not only did I get the feeling inside as if my gut and heart connected when working with clients, just telling me what to do and where my hands needed to go, but also that I could feel that powerful connection if I found the right answer when I was at a fork in the road, or I needed to know how to go forward when there were problems in my life. What a relief to be finally aware of something so absolute and true that I could trust it – you see, I was great at looking after everyone else, but taking charge of my own life – not so hot!  This trust helped me enormously.

The first time I really got the un-ignorable feeling of gut/heart brain connection in answer to a burning question I needed an answer to, was when I had an idea to set up a symposium for therapists in the UK that would provide information on fascia (the connective tissue that is now one of the topics of the 21st century in the therapy world).  My body said YES!!! And the British Fascia Symposium (BFS) was born.

It was a bit of a shock, to be honest. Not exactly what I’d planned!  I was quite happy, if not particularly challenged, living on a boat and working as a massage therapist. I went from that to having to move to accommodate the new business. Then my new fascination with fascia became reflected in my work and a busy practice became even busier.

When my body spoke that time, I listened – I knew it was right. I put down a large deposit – all the spare resources I had – on a fabulous venue and went for it.  That was in 2012 and it took me 18 months of achingly hard work to bring the BFS to fruition. That decision led, down the line in 2020, to the setting up of The Fascia Hub, an educational resource for therapists and movement educators (we also have chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and surgeons amongst our members).1 How did I make that decision, to start up The Fascia Hub when Covid was rife, people were scared and none of the major banks would let me open a business account?  Take a guess!

Yup, gut/heart connection again – thank goodness I listened, because running The Fascia Hub is a joy for me. Who knew the BFS would lead to this life, this wonderful life organising events and talking to the most amazing speakers and teachers, and that being better known in that role would lead to raising my profile as Principal of Body in Harmony Training and being invited around the world to teach?

That initial decision to launch the BFS came from a trip to Vancouver to the Fascia Research Congress in 2012. What made me go on a trip I couldn’t even afford, to an event where I knew not a soul?  I didn’t get the explosive connection feeling I developed later, but it was something I absolutely knew I had to do, and there not only did the idea for the BFS spring up, but I met Sharon Wheeler who became my ScarWork teacher and later accredited me to teach ScarWork – the rest is history.

Do you listen to your body? To your gut and heart brains? Because that’s what they are!2.3. Of course we need to engage the cephalic brain for the practicalities, but for me that is the last one I listen to. I trust my other two brains, and when they connect in a way that makes me almost gasp for breath, I know I ignore that sensation at my peril.

You must make your own decisions, of course, but perhaps next time your body says YES, at least consider listening to it. The feeling you get may be different to what I feel; listen to how your body speaks to you – work it out. It is a profoundly intuitive response, and feels so right.  I won’t say I didn’t question my decisions at times over the years, but the final outcome has been proof, for me, of how important it is to trust the instinctive, not just the rational answer to a question.

Also see blog.


  1. (The TFH is also the umbrella body for the British Fascia Symposium)
  2. The Three Brains Theory: Why Head, Heart and Gut Matter in Decision Making by [Accessed 8 October 2024]
  3. The 3 Connected Brains of Human Nature – The Fascia Hub Daren Knight for The Fascia Hub.

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